Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Oh, Good Morning! I Didn't See You There!

        I accidentally clicked "New Post" -- so now I feel obligated.  Good Morning peep-o!
Lot's of thoughts running through my groggy noggin... cup'o-joe before me; is coffee killing me? A slow poisoning? I bet the sugar inside it is. It's raw, unrefined sugar -- but still. That's one for the "No More" List.  Like: No more coffee, no more pizza, no more carb binges -- No more cheese, never anything fried! No more video-games unless I've worked-out for 30 minutes to an hour.  (I need to, minimally, do some cardio; to get that heart beat up past 120 for 20 minutes -- ) -- Which leads me to think about my stomach problems -- you see,  I swallowed a small piece of plastic -- (like the corner of a scissors-opened battery package) which necessitated one emergency room surgery to remove it (along with 9 inches of small intestine) -- and three more surgeries (so far) to repair the resulting  incisional hernias. (Deep sigh.)  I was actually working-out with a trainer before this happened. All shot to hell. My core! From whence all strength emanates!  Then there's that "stupid" poem I did yesterday about the vet, Edith Klien that killed her pets and herself -- -- which,  however much it sucks -- (I think it's rather cute, clever/sad  actually) deserves to be completed -- I thought it had been,  but started tweaking -- and well, now it isn't. And it's  posted.. (Sucks being a (semi-) pefrectionist!) (Ha!) [UPDATE: I officially "called" McFluff Gets Whacked on Feb.17th 11:45 P.M. Finished! (Upper-mediocre, at-best.) UPDATE 2: Gawd! I read the damned thing again -- and changed it one more time I think I "got" it ! 2/23]  I am also wondering when the money from my Dad's estate will arrive. He died in 2010 with a will and only 2 beneficiaries; nobody contesting anything. What took so long? Well, that's a loaded question... Dad thought he would acknowledge his niece by making her "person of responsibility" (She had been a para-legal -- but more importantly has three beautiful children and he wanted her to know how much he valued them and her, for having them; genetic continuity and all.) He owned two homes, one in Connecticut and one in Orlando, FL --  so legal residency, first needed to be established... That took a year (?!?!) Then the condo in CT needed to be sold. (Another year?!?!) Around $20,000 dollars has been paid-out in legal fees -- because, evidently, it's true and some lawyers are crooks. (Duh.) On January 25th everything was finally "completed" legally, in court. all that is supposedly left is dispensing the money that has been "sitting" in an Estate account for over 2 years... and there really isn't much of it.  There won't even be enough to buy a car -- (though the frickin' attorney could!)  It will help me move.  In 2008 he tallied up his net-worth and it came to $800,000 Post-recession and legal costs; my sister and I will split approx. 1/11 of that amount. Something is "off." Ahh,  hell with it -- not worth worrying about. (only money.)  More importantly, both dog's need baths -- (I need  to feed the fish,  shower and get my bottom out of the house and improving small businesses' bottom line. )
        [Update: I had a paragraph here on my excitement about it being a comic day and what I was particularly looking forward to -- but decided to save it for a later blog. Don't know why really -- I think it has to do with mixing the tone too drastically and not wanting to sabotage my readership so early in my blogging life-cycle by appearing anymore immature (and scatterbrained) than I already do.]
       Alright! Piss-Yorkie scrubbed -- look-out Schnauzer! Let me touch-up that poem a little first...
       I don't know... wife or no wife -- life can be good!

UPDATE #3 (12/2/13) : Lord! What a pointless and mind-numbing Mid-Life Metanoia entry. It did however, cause me to edit the poem yet again. And rubbed in my face that I just ate pizza (with extra cheese) and still don't work out and that I am fatter than ever. Also reminded me how much I miss Cain (The piss-yorkie) and how I will never get over my anger at how the estate was handled. All things I will eventually address in the ongoing entries. (except the estate as that's just to annoying and counter productive to contend with... but you never know.)

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