Sunday, February 3, 2013

The Invisible War or, Is That a Demon In My Soup?

     Indeed there is a war raging. An unceasing battle with countless deceased. (Casualties infinitely worse than those merely corporeal.) Mostly unseen, on a plane beyond the narrow scope of human perceptions.  Though it rages right in front of us as well; in the violently insane (these are prime vessels; see: Newtown ) in the drugged, the hateful, the jealous, the lustful... knowing where to look is not always sufficient you need to know how to look as well...
     Kind'a reminds me of how it was portrayed in  the John Carpenter film "They Live" with  Roddy Piper:
"Sleep, Obey, Marry and Reproduce, Watch T.V.... "

     Many of the fallen walk among us unaware they have been struck down. Spiritual zombies. Going about their routines with little thought or care for their untimely demise or of how they were unwitting co-conspirators in their own bleak departure. Some might be resuscitated. I'm of the opinion, however,  that most of the spiritually-slain couldn't care less about "living" one way or another. There are many for whom  , merely surviving to experience the next meal, the next beer, the next orgasm, the next episode of their favorite television show or football game is all the impetus needed to carry on. They are resigned to a nominal existence. All the while believing (incorrectly) that such grim mundanity and/or material deprivation (whether self or socially imposed) assures some form of existential sanctification; -- And there are those who strive daily with every fiber of their (physical) being(s) to acquire and maintain a lifestyle rich in knowledge, in accomplishment, in possessions; these folk believing (also incorrectly) their many successes, sufficient to claim a "worthy" existence. In their living-deaths, both are equals.
     Don't ever make the mistake of believing that because you are aware of the evil around us (or because you blog about it...) that your "knowledge" places you outside the realm of it's unyielding (near) omnipresent influence or notice.
      I am  writing of  the "principalities" peep-o! Spiritual "beings." (Each, a dynamic, self-conscious, malicious entity.) Operating on a level well beyond our abilities to comprehend. (which doesn't mean we shouldn't try to comprehend them , only that we won't succeed.Then again, It could mean precisely that -- that we shouldn't  try to understand these "hyper-beings" -- but what-the heck, too late!) They can turn the most apparently noble act to their excruciatingly twisted ends. They are capable of seeing  to the very end of each ripple our actions effect. Presented herein is good-intentioned, somewhat whimsical outline, the specifics are well out of my league. Try explaining quantum mechanics to a dachshund; the dachshund has a better chance of rediscovering the theory of relativity than I have (or for that matter, the Pope has) of  deciphering the devil's playbook. (I stand firm  in my belief that the realm of the principalities is even outside the purview of His Holiness, Pope Benedict the XVI,  also believing that he is far more capable of defending himself in spiritual battle.  (Who do you think would have a better chance in a cage-match with The Undertaker; Triple H or Justin Bieber ?) Concordantly,  he merits considerably greater scrutiny and interaction from these forces. (As, has been illustrated by far too many priests (and their cowardly superiors) around the globe laid waste to in their twisted zeal. I  can conceive of no more sinister an act than to use your position of trust and spiritual authority to manipulate yourself into a position to receive sexual-gratification from an innocent. That's blindingly glaring evil! ) A demonic entity's desire to cause damage and the force required to do so, would,  logically, be in direct proportion to a targeted spirit's (purported) "holiness.")  A spirit, being most efficiently engaged at it's weakest, which is while it is bound to a corporeal entity. (Demonics 101) Would it not also stand to reason that the physically weaker the vessel the more vulnerable to attack is the spirit within. Or am I mixing-up "realms" here? (Physical and spiritual.) There does seem to be some evidence that bears this out: The aforementioned "insane" executing extreme acts of violence, for one.  I'll never forget a newspaper article I read in which a man that was married for over 20 years, offered police only "she overcooked the spaghetti" as his rationale for staking his wife's excised heart and liver upon his front lawn. (True story.)  Or take as an example St. Francis who was engaged in spiritual battle often throughout his, sickly, corporeal existence. (He rolled around in the thorn bushes to take his mind from these temptations. Those very same bushes have for centuries (and inexplicably by earthly accounting) grown without thorns.) Although there are conflicting accounts, I've read that Mother Theresa suffered some form of demonic possession on her deathbed --but, as they are wont to do, Church leaders did not acknowledge she was possessed, only that an exorcism was indeed conducted for her in the hospital; as attested to by Archbishop Henry D'Souza. Wow, weally weird!  See:  Exorcism for Mother Theresa?
     Eph. 6:12: For our wrestling is not against flesh and blood, but against the principalities, against the powers, against the world-rulers of this darkness, against the spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.

     I recently (mid Jan.) attended my (soon-to-be-ex) wife's "Life Night" which is the weekly, communal portion of the  Catholic Teen youth program known as Life Teen. (She's a youth minister.) This night it was held around a bonfire (for effect) with the theme of the evening being : The Occult. The speakers on the subject were the Pastor,  Reverend  Monsignor Stephen C. Bosso, Parochial Vicar, Reverend Richard Schamber  and myself, "evil-maniac #1". Monsignor went first and gave a highly detailed and well spoken account of the nature of a cult vs. a religion and the overlapping and detrimental effects of New Ageism, he fleetingly mentioned exorcism without mentioning the criteria involved in determining its necessity, in fact he didn't really touch upon "the true nature" of evil -- except to say towards the end that evil was real and that it was not to be dismissed off-hand. --Father Shamber was next and went a little further in elaborating on the nature of evil -- he actually mentioned demons and used the term "principalities" -- but didn't elaborate on what a demons or "principalities" were -- Evil-maniac's turn --my wife (falsely,) introduced me as having invited me to talk about my experiences with the "occult" (I had actually come of my own accord to hear what Monsignor had to say on the topic.) I said a brief inward prayer that I wouldn't say anything to lead these impressionable youth astray,  a calm came over me which I took to be a good omen and I began: I spoke of my past experiences with the Ouija board and the supernatural manifestations evoked by it's Parker Brothers, branded enchantments. (Stupid piece of plastic messed me up badly! A subject for some future blog... if ever.)  I boldly proclaimed the reality of the principalities and the means by which they might protect themselves, which I will relate to you, dear reader, in short order.  I saw a lot of widened eyes and slackened-jaws -- but in the end I got the feeling that I made the supernatural sound too damned "dramatic" and consequently enticing. It could-be, that despite the "calm" I had felt  -- I had made a dreadful mistake.

     Fun Fact: Every diocese has an exorcist. Well they're supposed to, and  the Pope recently upped the training to supplement their numbers. (Not making this up peep-o!)   

     The time-worn practice of the Church is to not call attention to the power of the devil,  but to instead shine a light upon the Love and compassion of The Father as evidenced by His "Son." (Actually, the Church does the same thing with miracles, not wanting people to put their faith in supernatural signs -- I guess,  precisely because they are evidenced with our senses. And our corporeal selves are poor judges (to put it mildly ) of a far more "substantial" spiritual realm. (yes I am aware of the paradox therein.) Our souls are a part of this God and this God is something far greater than some event/occurrence counter to the "natural order" -- I guess He is the "natural order" or more accurately, the natural order is whatever He want it to be.) Nevertheless, I am unconvinced by the Church's battle strategy;  but who am I to say I know any better? I would like to say "forewarned is forearmed" or paraphrase Sun Tzu about "knowing your enemy." Yet, neither applies to freakin' principalities. Since we can't really know them (neither can we really know our God, only what he wants us to know) we must turn instead to what we can know and use this Love of purest commitment and sacrifice as a shield -- a shield that must be consistently and conscientiously reinforced. By prayer and by fasting, and most importantly with the Eucharist.  
     I believe that I, Paul R. Martinez,  have discerned (what may quite possibly be) the truth behind why "The Invisible War" is a subject the Church prefers keep shrouded in secrecy and glossed over and breached only with great care and  marked discretion. A reason actually quite beautiful in it's elegant simplicity -- but I can't tell you.
     Just-Kidding!    Heregoes:
     If " The Truth" was indeed made known, (that the battle raging around us was so unyielding and so prevalent, that millions of people were the victims of demonic influence daily, (some peripherally, others directly;)  if the extent of this Invisible War could be comprehended and evidenced as well as persistently proclaimed:  evil would at the very least score another colossal victory and it already seems to be running the show. The resulting fear and confusion would result in multitudes , switching into "denial" mode or "disbelief" mode and effectively removing themselves from the playing board -- not merely mentally, or physically (pills, alcohol, suicide...) but by not engaging in battle spiritually -- that's the hardest choice of all -- by far. It requires faith, conviction and dedication -- and the final five episodes of Breaking Bad start soon. Y'know it's all kind'a similar to why the government won't fess-up to all the U.F.O. activity that's been going on... but with infinitely higher stakes.
     I have a fear that I am isolating (have isolated) myself from many a reader with this seemingly "fanatical" line of thought; perhaps I am. This may be the next in an endless stream of ways the  bastardo supremo hopes to demoralize and discourage me. I have an idea what many of you think about Catholics and "The Church" and even that "crazy idea of a savior sent from the heavens."  Let's just shelve all that for now as it really doesn't have much bearing on the reality of this invisible war. (Only on it's outcome.)
     Believing or not believing in God doesn't make him any more/or less, real.
     I am fully aware how bizarre all of  this sounds -- o.k. "crazy;" but that doesn't make it any less true. (Of course an alternative possibility is that it isn't true and that I am indeed crazy... or, hey,  a third possibility --  I am crazy whether any of it is true or not!)
     Loathe as I may be to  loose the "fanatic" -- [especially this early in the game as I try to build an audience for my blog in the hope of drawing from my community's  wisdom and strengths in my time of great need]  I must not shy away from the weight of this knowledge and hope it falls upon a few sympathetic ears; or more importantly, a few unsympathetic one's.
      If you must, (take yourself from the "playing board")  look upon this "divergence" -- as part of the necessary total-breakdown on the way to my metanoia.

Feb. 3rd -- Super-bowl Sunday! (Color me distracted!)

Message from Il Papa:

  In social networks, believers show their authenticity by sharing the profound source of their hope and joy: faith in the merciful and loving God revealed in Christ Jesus. This sharing consists not only in the explicit expression of their faith, but also in their witness, in the way in which they communicate “choices, preferences and judgements that are fully consistent with the Gospel, even when it is not spoken of specifically” (Message for the 2011 World Communications Day). A particularly significant way of offering such witness will be through a willingness to give oneself to others by patiently and respectfully engaging their questions and their doubts as they advance in their search for the truth and the meaning of human existence. The growing dialogue in social networks about faith and belief confirms the importance and relevance of religion in public debate and in the life of society. 

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